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Greatness: The person ❤️

Writer's picture: Lelo “Ajikawo” OsidipeLelo “Ajikawo” Osidipe

You know how I’m usually extra and I mostly write people’s birthday epistles months/weeks before the actual day. Well, I tried to do the same for you but every single time, my throat clogged up and these stupid tears threatened to escape. I’m just gonna wear my big girl pants and face them today.

I have been through a lot of pain in my life. Some more recent than others but no matter how hard it hurts, how bad I’m stung, how I feel like I’m falling apart, all I need is a call from RiRi and everything is seemly alright with the world. I remember last year when Unilag and NYSC were having so much fun frustrating me, uncle Osunky was being a bastard, Bibi lost her dad and they hurt my girl Koko. I was mad at God cos my babies were hurting and nothing seemed to be going in the right direction. I had started my weight loss journey, was turning anorexic and I was silently screaming for help. You were in camp and I was trying to not bother you but the day you got back, you sent a “what’s wrong” message and all I could say over and over again was “Richiie, I’m tired. I’m just tired”. You could see the scream for help despite me playing it cool and in less than 15 minutes, you were knocking on my door. That first hug...... that first hug was like the first hit of morphine that made it hurt a little less. We spoke extensively, made funny videos and you helped me clean up my man mess. I’m glad you reminded me how amazing I was and I didn’t need to be stringed along by one guy that wasn’t even up to par.

That is just one example of how many times you’ve come through for me. Every single time I’m breaking down, that I feel like I can’t hold on anymore and I just want an end to it all, all I need to do is call you. Two minutes into the conversation and I’ve forgotten what plagued me. There’s never a dull moment with you. We can talk for years and we’d always have something to talk about. We basically gossip about everyone and everything. Even days I don’t want to disturb you with the drama that seems to be my life, your sixth sense where I’m concerned alerts you that something is wrong, I’m getting a phone call with you asking me “are you okay” and the dam is released. Remember my CDS dinner that was stressing me out and I was sobbing (I blame that on hormones and heartbreak sha), you texted at the right time and said “are you okay? I feel something is wrong”. I denied anything being wrong and you then called me on the phone. After another 5 minutes of me lying, I finally let it all out and was a blubbering mess. You were just there dishing advices and yes, they worked. You give the best advices ever!!!!! Like totally amazing advices. I just recycle them and give back to you when you need advice since you never can see what’s right in front of you.

Rii, you’re totally amazing. 70% of my uni life was amazing due to you. You made class fun, lab bearable and turnups amazing. You slied me a few times to read though but my God pass you. You fought for the class when ZLY wanted to use us to build zoo and you were an amazing final year committee chairman. You flitted and made friends with all the different subgroups in the class. It’s no wonder you were every girl’s class crush.

33rd, my talented boo. There is so much talent in just your fingertips than some have in their entire body. You are constantly thinking of ways to improve yourself and your brand. Netflix money will soon land. They know how to spot amazing things so you’re definitely on their radar. My own videographer, producer, director, and everything else. I remember how attitude video shoot didn’t go as planned and in 10 seconds you had changed plans. Even as you weren’t cool with the change of plans, you brought up another and we kept making things up as we went. Your brain is always calculating.

Oluwatobi, you are the blueprint of what God wanted all his male children to be like. You are faithful, loyal, honest, kind, emotionally mature and so much more. I remember T’s birthday in year 3 where someone that liked you was all cuddly with you and you were high. Any other guy would have taken the excuse to cheat but you brought out your phone and started texting your girlfriend. This was around 2am but you didn’t mind. You just dropped messages of how much you loved her and went to sleep right after. The next morning, I went on my knees and used you as a prayer point for my future husband. I wanted and still want a man like you. You sincerely do it all.

Adebayo, I could go on and on about the type of person you are. The amount of times I have to warm meals I make for you. The way you’re the dumb to my dumber. How you never judge me even though I make it my duty to do extremely stupid things. How you never think I’m overreacting. How you let me be me. How I don’t have to pretend when I’m with you. How you’re the glue that holds the gang together. How you complain about all my pictures and thirst traps when I send them. How you wake me up from sleep to buy me catfish peppersoup because I said I wanted it. How you send me money for chicken just because I’m craving. How you rope me into taking you out (someone cannot even pull your legs). How you sly me to go to the cinemas. So many things to talk about but Oseremen, this world is so much better with your kindness, bravery, compassion, love, hugs and most importantly, smile. Whenever you count all the important things and blessings in the world, do not forget to count yourself thrice. You make the sun shine brighter(please reduce it) and the sky a little more blue. Saying I love you doesn’t encompass how I feel about you. You sincerely do it all.

Your birthday may be a regular day to someone somewhere but it’s one of the most special days in my life. I am super glad that the Holy Spirit forced me to attend that class that day and sit down at the back. That was one of the best decisions of my life. Happy birthday my Richard. I love you forever and every day after that ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Dec 19, 2019

From what I have read, Richard is not a person (Ki hun se eniyan), he is a personality (Eda ni) of repute worthy of emulation. Belated happy birthday! Keep being you.


Oct 10, 2019 of a kind love!

Hey Richie, keep being a great example.. 💖


Oct 09, 2019

Marry him already. You're too blind to see he's the answered prayers. Receive hindsight in Jesus name.Amen. Happy birthday to a wonderful man.


Oct 09, 2019

I Could feel all the emotions reading this. Jesus lord😩


Oct 09, 2019

Omdsssss. This is sweet. 😍😍😍.

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