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Writer's picture: Lelo “Ajikawo” OsidipeLelo “Ajikawo” Osidipe

Updated: Jun 24, 2020

So I actually wrote this post on the 20th of September, 2019. I have no idea why I never posted it. I doubt I even read it since that day but I stumbled on it yesterday and I realised how beautiful I write. Be your biggest cheerleader. That’s all I can say.

Hey baby girl,

I’m writing this so you can read it in a few months and marvel at the tremendous amount of growth you’ve accomplished in so little a while.

I’ve been with you every step of your life and to be honest, I’m the proudest of you. I see all your daily struggles. I see the ones you don’t show, the ones you don’t talk about, your daily demons, your dreams, fears, aspirations and worries. I see where you want to be in terms of every -ally (spiritually, physically, etc), where you are now and where you’re coming from. I see all of you. The good, bad, and the not so beautiful.

I see every tear soaked pillow, every muffled sob, every blocked nose, the headaches from crying too much and too hard, every thought that runs through your mind no matter how silly you think it is, and every “I’m fine” even though you’re silently screaming for help. I see the pain behind your smiles. I see every resignation to your fate just before you pick yourself back up, dust your own self up and keep trudging forward.

I see your courage. Your fearlessness. Your determination and strong will. I see all the love encompassed in your heart. I see how deep your loyalty runs. How protective you are of those you love. How much you want to change the world and make it better.

I see you even more than you see yourself and admist of all the madness that seems to be your life right now, I see the beauty within, behind and around it. I know life gives you sucker punches most times and on some days, you get really tired and just want to take the beating in peace but I implore you to always remember why you started in the first place. I want you to always remember that there’s a bigger picture and all things work together unto good for those who believe. I want you to remember that this too, no matter how hard it seems right now, shall pass. Remember that it is only for a short while and that it’s okay to rest when tired but quitting is never an option.

Once upon a time, you were a little girl with extra big dreams you swore you’d make happen. Don’t disappoint that little girl. I am totally rooting for you and I know as usual, you’ll make big and good things happen. It’s all you ever do, all you were made for and all you will ever do. I also want you to remember that failure is a bruise, a scrape on the knee but never a tattoo. It would heal and even if a scar remains, it is to provide memory and make you learn from your past decisions.

You are doing great and you’d surely do greater. I love you much more than you can ever imagine.

Yours sincerely,


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Jan 06, 2021

This is my favourite piece and what is now a sequential affirmation. I keep coming back to this, as it is a reminder that serves it purpose. Thank you Lolo


Jun 28, 2020

Thank you for this feels good that someone can express how another feels using her own words..thanks lelo


Jun 27, 2020

Each time I read your blogposts, I’m amazed as to how great a writer, you are. Thank you for reminding me that I’m great and I need to cheer myself up, even if no one else does. I love you 🤍


Jun 25, 2020

NYC one keep it up


Jun 25, 2020

Ade, I love you 😘🤗

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